The OMEGA 5 is designed for automated, high-precision, and real-time monitoring of gas concentrations across various applications. The system is equipped with a TE-MCT detector for low detection limits and continuous measurements as liquid nitrogen is not required. The OMEGA 5 is operated by the gas analysis software OPUS GA. This software enables the quantification of over 350 compounds without the need for calibration measurements. For an accurate quantification, the pressure and temperature of the gas are constantly recorded throughout the analysis process and taken into account.
The optional DryPathTM feature even eliminates the need for an external purge gas, making the OMEGA 5 also suitable for mobile applications.
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The Hiden HPR-20 R&D specialist gas analysis system is a bench-top mass spectrometer for real time gas analysis of evolved gases and vapours. A triple filter mass spectrometer is included providing improved resolution and abundance sensitivity with an ultimate detection limit of 5 ppb subject to spectral interference. Backing and bypass pumping is provided by a high performance scroll pump. Gas sampling is continuous with a gas sample flow rate user configurable/selectable in the range < 1 ml/min to > 20 ml/min.
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The Glancing Angle Deposition System is equipped with three magnetron sources from Kurt J. Lesker. KJLC’s Mag Keeper is designed to enable higher operating powers due to a mechanically enhanced cooling well. It is ideal for use in high throughput requirements and also enables quick target change with its magnetic keeper design. The GLAD operates due to the EC-R manipulator. The EC-R provides substrate rotation, tilt, heating and electrical biasing with the substrate surface supported at right angles to the plane of the mounting flange. The base EC-R configuration provides polar rotation to adjust the angle of incidence with respect to the deposition flux and sample heating. The modular EC-R concept provides the flexibility to select options such azimuthal rotation to continuously rotate the substrate to maximize temperature and deposition uniformity. The concept of this stage was strongly influenced by a complete review of existing right angled deposition stages. UHV Design are able to achieve a dual axis, concentric rotation system which eliminates the head positioning gear train typically used in other designs.
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The homemade setup for testing gas sensors in a wide range of frequencies. The setup enables analysis of gas sensor responses in the 20-200 Celsium degree range. An LCR Hioki analyzer measures the DUT responses at lower frequencies. In contrast, for microwave range measurements, VNA analyzers are used or dedicated measurement systems based on the multiport reflectometer. More details can be found here:
Sensors & Actuators: B. Chemical 323 (2020) 128710
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol. 69, no. 11, pp. 4869-4878
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In LAB the gas-dosing system is based on the gas installation consisting of gas boxes of class 90, where gases are distributed to 4 independent stations where four gases can be used (including toxic and harmful).
The safety system is installed based on the gas detectors that enable any leakage of the gas under test in the laboratory.
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In LAB the gas-dosing system enables dosing gases under test at various relative humidity levels controlled by hardware (sensors SHTxx) and software in the feedback loop.
The bubblers with various volume and mass flow controllers (MKS Instrument, Brooks) in a wide range of flow controls are used. The gas connectors are based on the swage lock system to provide high-quality of the measurand.
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The biochemical lab is well-equipped with all necessary devices and small equipment for bio-chip fabrication, including Eden SuBlym100TM (The Sublym hot embossing machine is the first portable plug-and-play hot embossing machine on the market) from Eden Tech Company, Plasma Bonding Pen (Elveflow’s Plasma Bonding Pen is a two-in-one handy tool for optimized surface treatment, ideal for bonding PDMS to glass and PDMS to PDMS. Additionally, it offers advanced surface modification capabilities commonly found in traditional plasma chambers but in a portable and easier-to-use way) from ElveFlow and a micropipette station from Eppendorf with various automatic pipets that cover 0.1 microliter to 10 ml range. Digital Dry Bath from Labnet, laboratory scale from Radwag, fume hood, wet baths, magnetic stirrers, and fridge.
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The Original Prusa i3 MK3S+ is the last version of the award-winning MK3 3D printer line. The manufactuer upgraded the MK3S with a brand new SuperPINDA probe for improved first layer calibration, added high-quality bearings and made various useful design tweaks. The printer includes one Smooth PEI Sheet.
The MK3S+ includes all the proven features of the previous models, including the heatbed with removable PEI spring steel print sheets, automatic Mesh Bed Leveling, filament sensor, power loss recovery (power panic) and safety features. And it is still as silent as ever!