The main objective of the call is to finance research activities for the purposes of future research projects to be submitted to NCN calls for proposals as well as other national and international calls.
(PI Dominik Grochala)
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AGH IDUB – Excellence Initative – Research University
The main objective of the Program is strengthening the international position and recognisability of AGH University; developing potential for effective competition with the best academic centres in Europe and around the world.
IDUB 4122
(PI Artur Rydosz)
(granted 14/06/2023).
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Point of care device for monitoring of disease related antibodies
We offer a lab on a chip nanostructured metasurfaces that allow multiplexed single screening tests of several autoantibodies RAND diseases. Our technology is entirely disruptive compared to the gold standard techniques in RAND diagnosis It means an entire revolution in RAND diagnosis decentralized, direct, label free, cost effective, multiplexed RAND diagnoses/monitoring with just a couple of blood drops at the physician’s office in 15 minutes. There is no logistics cost, no trained personnel required, and it is fully compatible with emerging microneedle based painless technology for low volume blood sample collection For society, our product means diminished logistics and reagent costs, diminished chemical waste, and scalable technology wih the potential to diagnose other diseases like Sepsis, tuberculosis, or COVID 19.
Licensing opportunities
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The main objective of the Program is the implementation of new solutions improving the efficiency of water use and management in Poland.
(PI Leader: Robert Bogdanowicz, PI-AGH: Artur Rydosz)
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SONATA BIS is a funding opportunity addressed to researchers holding a doctoral degree, wanting to establish a new research team and become independent research leaders.
(PI: Artur Rydosz)
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Bekker NAWA is one of the flagship programs of the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange. During the stays – lasting from 3 to 24 months – the scholarship holders will be able to carry out scientific projects or postdoctoral internships together with foreign scientists and develop international cooperation.
(PI: Artur Rydosz)
Identification of new beta cell biomarkers for the early detection of pre-diabetes and non-alcoholic fatty liver diseases
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OPUS is a funding opportunity intended for a wide range of applicants. The research proposal submitted under this scheme may include the purchase or construction of research equipment
(PI: Artur Rydosz)
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The aim of the projects is to develop solutions to improve the quality of live for people in terms of needs and requests. The competition „There are different sciences and schools for people” is carried out by universities and schools, financed by the Ministry of Special Purpose.
Rzeczy są dla ludzi/0089/2020
(PI: Artur Rydosz)
Portable device for detecting biomarkers
in the exhaled air
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Program “Applied research” is implemented under the EEA and Norway Grants. The aim of the program is to enhance the performance of Polish applied research in Poland through improved research cooperation between Poland and Norway, based on equal partnerships between Norwegian and Polish research institutions and enterprises.
(PI: Slawomir Gruszczynski)
Highly Accurate and Autonomous Programmable Platform for Providing Air Pollution Data Services to Drivers and the Public.
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The UWERTURA call for proposals for fellowships in international
research teams conducting ERC grants.
(PI: Artur Rydosz)
Exhaled acetone detection in the
daily monitoring of diabetes
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SONATA is a funding opportunity intended to support
the Principal Investigator in conducting innovative basic research, using advanced research equipment and/or an original methodology.
(PI: Artur Rydosz)
Investigation of the influence of GLAD technique for 3S
properties (sensitivity, selectivity, stability) of gas sensors with the enhanced response for diabetes biomarkers in exhaled human breath
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LIDER is a funding opportunity intended to give the
Principal Investigator a unique opportunity to manage their own research teams and to enforce their independence.
(PI: Artur Rydosz)
Nanosensors for portable breath analyzers
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PRELUDIUM is a funding opportunity intended for pre-doctoral researchers about to embark on their scientific career.
(PI: Katarzyna Dyndal)
Hybrid layers obtained by the PACVD – a new perspective
on organic diodes passivation
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PRELUDIUM is a funding opportunity intended for pre-doctoral researchers about to embark on their scientific career
(PI: Artur Rydosz)
Investigation of the possibility of developing the microsystem for detection of selected volatile organic compounds in the human breath using the semiconductor gas sensors and a micropreconcentrator structure